Labels:bulletin board | earth | fence | grass | person | reckoner | sky | vegetarianism OCR: abcdefghij jkimno oqrstuvwxyz 3BCD EFGHJKnOOQRSTUVWXY& 9123456789 ~@#$%^*0 +=>,< -|N/ The qufck 6rown fox jumgs over the lazy daog The quick frown fox jumps over the lazy 20g 2.4 The quick Brown fox jumgs over the lazy B0g 36 The qutck frown fox jum. ps over the lazy The quick Brown fox jum over the lazy 6O The qutck brown fox jum 9ver the lazy The qutck brown fox jum over the lazy Seg pqrstuvwxyz ArCDEFGHJK MHOPQR